This is an automatic bot that randomly generates posts, this is not an interactive bot (not yet, at least) so you can’t send request to have a specific outcome.
Another random territory close to the first one is chosen and is conquered right away. There's no battle.
It repeats the process until only one country remains
This is basically how it works. There are many other features but they can change with every run so I won't bore you with the details here.
Follow my page to stay updated on my work: Omikron Bots
My map-based bots:
WorldWarBot 2020
ItaliaGuerraBot 2020 (Italy)
CivilWarBot 2020 (USA)
GuerraCivilBot 2020 (Spain)
BotOfThrones 298 (Westeros, A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones)
Check out my other bots:
CringeBot 969 (creates react images with spb5k sources and random caption)
ClickBaitBot 101 (uhh.. click and find out :D)
CoronaBot 2019-ncov (posts screenshots from an informative website about Covid-19)